J A M E S 3:6

the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell

P R O V E R B S 3:5-7

"i'm trying to find a way to be happy without being the best" 

this was stated by a man photographed by whoever runs Humans of New York. it's amazing to see how much other people can relate to you thousands of miles away. i just started my 2nd semester of college today and this statement describes my first day perfectly. last semester it was hard when my best didn't match up with others. then again, i question whether or not i really tried my best. however, the other day my dad stated, "you could get all Fs and still get into nursing school because our God is that big" therefore, i shall repeat myself again and say:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your path straight. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil.
                                    -Proverbs 3:5-7

here is an old image from california because i miss it very very much

E P H E S I A N S 2:8

"we are saints who sin, not sinners saved by grace"
                                                    -the cure by john lynch, bruce mcnicol, bill thrall

J E R E M I A H 29:11

F U T U R E : a time that is to be or come hereafter
it's so hard to focus on the goodness of the future and so easy to concentrate on the bad things. i'm scared of not being all i want myself to be and achieving all i want too. i want to be a photographer/filmmaker/writer/web designer/artist/musician. yet i know i can't and that breaks my heart. my only refuge is found in the promise of Christ. He alone settles my soul and gives me hope. He reminds me that I am on this earth for His purpose and not my own. while that is not very reassuring to my flesh, it reassures my spirit and that is what matters. therefore, I will trust in God and give Him my future.

1 J O H N 5:5

finally! after much debate, i have decided the title of my blog. it's kind of crazy how important the title and web address of a blog is. to me, i feel like it determines my whole blogging/internet future and if my title sucks, my blogging life is over. HA. VICTORIOUS LOVE IS THE NAME AND TRUSTING JESUS IS THE  GAME. i am so thankful God has revealed this to me and i declare it over my life. simply put, i am victorious because Christ is victorious. this has been demonstrated by His love. and nothing will keep me from this wonderful victorious love.

I S A I A H 25:1

I will exalt Thee, I will exalt Thee, O my God.

Jesus, this is my promise to You. May I never forget to worship You every day of my life. You are alone worthy of all the glory. no other. no other. as 2 0 1 5 approaches, my mind is filled with thoughts of belittlement and worthlessness at my unfinished accomplishments and failures this past year. yet, You have replaced those thoughts with hopes & dreams, forgiveness & grace, love & compassion. I dedicate 2 0 1 5 to loving, staying calm, getting over myself, and to You.

P S A L M 28:7

"joy is something we have to choose and then work for" - francis chan
this christmas season i am choosing joy. and with the help of God, i will work for joy and achieve it. 
Jesus' joy is the best.  t h a n k   y o u